The KKOG Calculator

Welcome to the KKOG Calculator. Find out how key factors can influence returns by changing your inputs for the investment criteria.
Note: The KKOG Calculator is for illustrative purposes only and you should consider the when using this tool. The KKOG Calculator has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider if kkog is right for now. For more information on how the calculator works and how the results can differ from actual investment returns,

Invest $0

Return on Invest: 300% per year

Year 1 $0
Year 2 $0
Year 3 $0
Year 4 $0
Year 5 $0
Total Profit: $0

Projected annual token profit:

Annual token profit projection based on investment.

The above model shows the expected returns using an annual projected token profit based on a 100% reinvestment strategy and at current market conditions. It does not include overhead costs for management, other company costs and doesn't take into account the 1.75% fee KKOG charges (see White Paper for distribution). Actual results can be higher or lower. The model is a sample calculation. The model should not be considered as information for an investment in tokens or as an offer of or a solicitation to buy tokens. Token profits will be distributed on a quarterly basis.

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